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Jason Swick - Nature Based Counseling Services


 Individual Youth, Adoloscent & Adult Counseling

Client and counselor may decide to sit on a bench, visit the river, or even hike a trail. Outdoor sessions have the beautiful ability to meet individuals where they are at, while also provoking exploration of personal areas beyond the present. Recreation and adventure are an inherit element of outdoor counseling but are not required.


Client and counselor will collaboratively decide what is needed each session. While the counselor has the responsibility of holding a larger understanding of the client's therapeutic goals, facilitating accurate interventions and guiding the client towards their own version of healing and growth. Outdoor sessions offer the opportunity for client and clinician to form a more natural working relationship that is established through a humanistic approach.


Implementation of mindfulness practices such as; meditation, body awareness, breathing  strategies,  and grounding techniques are intended to be used as tools during session and for resources clients can utilize in their personal lives. 


The therapeutic work is based in authentic interaction, collateral experiences, play, challenge, mentorship, and connection. The outcomes are based in the time and work that are put into the process by both client and counselor with the unwavering support of their communities and the natural world.


Physical movement will further engage and promote integration of mind, body and spirit.


Fog and Nature

Outdoor Counseling



  • Connection to the natural environment has been proven to improve wellbeing.


  • Physical movement will further engage and promote integration of mind, body and spirit.


  • There is a potential for confidentiality to not be fully guaranteed. Detailed related information will be discussed and clarified within the intake process.


  • Expanded options for exploring grounding, relaxation and mindfulness strategies.


  • Developing relationships and larger connections to the natural world can foster deeper connections within self, others and ego states. 

Jason Swick-Nature Based Counseling does not provide emergency or 24 hour crisis services. Please note that I typically only check emails Monday-Thursday each week based on my work schedule. If it is after hours and you are currently feeling upset, overwhelmed or out of control, or you are thinking about hurting yourself, or are concerned that someone you know may be in danger of hurting themselves, please contact one of the below resources that are staffed by certified professionals 24/7, or for life threatening emergencies, please call 911.

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1(800)273-TALK(8255)

  •  Text TALK to 38255

  • 24/7 State-Wide Crisis Line (844)493-8255

  • 24/7 Crisis Services-Sol Vista Health, Salida Office:(719)539-6502 Leadville Office: (719)486-0985Canon City: (719)275-2351


Jason Swick-Nature Based Counseling does not provide emergency or 24 hour crisis services. Please note that I typically only check emails Monday-Thursday each week based on my work schedule. If it is after hours and you are currently feeling upset, overwhelmed or out of control, or you are thinking about hurting yourself, or are concerned that someone you know may be in danger of hurting themselves, please contact one of the below resources that are staffed by certified professionals 24/7, or for life threatening emergencies, please call 911.

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1(800)273-TALK(8255)

  •  Text TALK to 38255

  • 24/7 State-Wide Crisis Line (844)493-8255

  • 24/7 Crisis Services-Sol Vista Health, Salida Office:(719)539-6502

  • Leadville Office: (719)486-0985

  • Canon City: (719)275-2351


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